Scroll through our list of programmes to learn about us!

The Elementary Programme shows elementary school students the relevance of workplace education through a sequential business and economic curriculum. Its sequential approach helps the students understand their economic world and prepares them for academic learning and lifelong achievement through the use of a variety of hands- on activities.

JA Ourselves
Introduces young children to the economic roles of individuals. Compelling stories read by volunteers and hands-on activities teach students about helping, working, and earning and saving money.

1st Grade:
JA Our Families
Introduces students to entrepreneurship and how family members' jobs and businesses contribute to the well-being of the family.

2nd Grade:
JA Our Community
Allows students, through hands-on activities, to learn about workers, the work they perform, why workers are paid, what taxes are and how they are used, and how and where to save money.
3rd Grade:
JA Our City
Introduces students to the basics of financial literacy, the characteristics of cities, and how people and businesses in cities manage their money.
4th Grade:
JA Our Region
Introduces students to entrepreneurship and how entrepreneurs use resources to produce goods and services in a region. Students operate a hypothetical hot dog stand to understand the fundamental tasks performed by a business owner and to see how money comes into and goes out of a business.
5th Grade:
JA Our Nation
Provides practical information about the need for employees who can meet the demands of the 21st century job market, particularly high-growth, high-demand jobs. By programme's end, students will understand the skills, especially in science, technology, engineering, and math that will make their futures brighter.
6th Grade:
JA More than Money
JA More than Money will meet the after-school programming needs of a diverse group of students by providing engaging, academically enriching, and experiential-learning sessions in economic education.

The JA 4 Juniors Programme for students in grades 7 thru 9, is developed with a primary emphasis on financial literacy and work readiness; providing a strong secondary emphasis on mathematics, reading and writing skills. In this club environment, students learn fundamental business and economic concepts, explore career interests and opportunities, and develop work-readiness skills.

7th Grade:
JA Economic for Success
Lays bare for students the heart of a successful economic life: choosing the right career and managing money properly. JA It's My Future - offers practical information about preparing for the working world. Students explore potential careers, discover the four factors to consider in choosing a career, and recognize basic job-hunting tools.
JA It's My Future
Offers practical information about preparing for the working world. Students explore potential careers, discover the four factors to consider in choosing a career, and recognize basic job-hunting tools.

8th Grade:
JA Global Marketplace
Takes students on a spin around the world. Students learn the products they use every day, like their backpacks and sneakers, might use raw material from one country, be assembled in another, and sold from Peking to Chicago. The program helps students understand how goods flow through various economies and the effect globalization has on their lives.
JA It's My Business!
Encourages students to use entrepreneurial thinking as they explore higher education and career choices. Students participate in fun, challenging activities such as an entrepreneurial quiz game, completing a blueprint for a teen club, participating in an auction of businesses, and creating entrepreneur profile cards.

9th Grade:
JA Business Ethics
Fosters ethical decision-making in students as they prepare to enter the workforce and take part in the global marketplace. JA Business Ethics is an interdisciplinary programme that supports the attainment of academic standards in ethics, social studies, business, work readiness, reading, writing, and mathematics.
JA Be Entrepreneurial
Introduces students to the essential elements of a practical business plan and then challenges them to start an entrepreneurial venture while still in high school. ills needed to land and keep their dream job.

The JA Aspire for students in grades 10 thru 12, is developed with a primary emphasis on financial literacy and work readiness; providing a strong secondary emphasis on mathematics, reading and writing skills. In this club environment, students learn fundamental business and economic concepts, explore career interests and opportunities, and develop work-readiness skills.

10th Grade:
JA Exploring Economics
Uses hands-on activities to explain complex economic concepts such as supply and demand, inflation, and the production, distribution and consumption of goods. It gives insight into the effect governments and individuals have on the global economy- and on the price of a loaf of bread.
JA Personal Finance
Explores the fundamental elements of personal finances: earnings, saving and investing, budgeting, credit, risk management, and giving. Students apply these elements to a personal financial plan that allows them to set specific goals for their lifelong financial needs and desired quality of life.

11th Grade:
JA Company Program
The latest evolution of Junior Achievement's legacy program, allows students to learn and experience business fundamentals and the art and hard work of entrepreneurship as they operate a student-led company. Students will be able to apply their newfound skills to their education and future careers.
12th Grade:
JA Career Success
Equips students with the knowledge required to get and keep a job in high-growth industries. Students will explore the crucial workplace skills employers seek but often find lacking in young employees. Students also will learn about valuable tools to find that perfect job, including resumes, cover letters, and interviewing techniques.
JA Job Shadow
Prepares students to be entrepreneurial thinkers in their approach to work. In-class sessions prepare students for a visit to a professional work environment, where they will face a series of challenges administered by their workplace hosts. Students learn how to research career opportunities and the skills needed to land and keep their dream job.

The more traditional Company Programme encompasses business, economics, and entrepreneurship curriculum for students in grades 10 through 12. The programme emphasizes business content, while providing a strong focus on mathematics, reading, and writing skills.
The JA Company Programme experience enhances students’ classroom curriculum and encourages them to use innovative thinking to learn business skills that support positive attitudes as they explore and enhance their career aspirations. Of course, the creation of an actual business where products or services are sold for profit is like icing on the cake for these Achievers.

There are many young Bahamians who are interested in Junior Achievement but due to participation in youth organizations and other commitments are unable to participate. However, JA in A Day is a one-day workshop that affords young Bahamians the opportunity to experience the JA Programme and its positive impact in lifelong economic success.
This will be a one-day workshop tailored to young adults beyond high school age with a focus on personal finance, investment opportunities (real estate, entrepreneurship etc.) and career readiness. JA Bahamas is committed to offering workshops and training opportunities through established community organizations such as Urban Renewal Centers, PACE, Willamae Pratt Center, Simpson Penn School and National Training Agency to maximize our reach of the JA Programme.